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How to Convert GIF to JPG in Bulk Using PowerShell


GIFs are a popular way to add animation and dynamism to webpages and social media. However, for better compatibility, reduced file sizes, or suitability for printing, you might need to convert them into the widely-used JPG format. PowerShell provides an efficient way to automate this conversion, especially when handling a large number of GIF files.


Using PowerShell for Bulk Conversion

PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and task automation framework built into Windows. Here’s how to use it to convert your GIFs:

# Specify the folder containing your GIFs
$gifFolder = "C:\Your\GIF\Folder\Path"

# Get all GIFs in the specified folder
$gifs = Get-ChildItem -Path $gifFolder -Filter "*.gif"

# Iterate over each GIF file
foreach ($gif in $gifs) {
    $imageFile = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($gif.FullName)

    # Create the output JPG filename in the same folder
    $jpgFileName = $gif.BaseName + ".jpg"
    $jpgFilePath = Join-Path $gifFolder $jpgFileName

    # Save the file in JPG format
    $imageFile.Save($jpgFilePath, [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Jpeg)

    # Dispose of the image object to release resources


  1. Setting the GIF Folder: Replace "C:\Your\GIF\Folder\Path" with the actual path to your GIF folder.

  2. Retrieving GIFs: The script gets all files ending with .gif from the specified folder.

  3. Looping Through GIFs: The foreach loop processes each GIF file individually.

  4. Loading the Image: The [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile() method loads the GIF into an image object.

  5. Creating the JPG File Name: The script generates an output JPG filename with the same base name as the GIF.

  6. Saving as JPG: The Save() method saves the image in JPG format, specifying the desired file path.

  7. Releasing Resources: The Dispose() method releases system resources held by the image object.

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How to Run the Script:

  • In the PowerShell window, navigate to the directory where you saved your script, then type the script’s name and extension:

Additional Tips

  • If you want to convert GIFs to JPG and preserve transparency, consider converting them to PNG format instead. PNG supports both transparency and a wide range of colors.

More Image Conversions

If you’re interested in converting other image formats using PowerShell, check out our article: How to Convert PNG to JPG in Bulk Using PowerShell.

Let me know if you have any other image conversion tasks you’d like to automate with PowerShell!

Muhammad Faizan

Hi, My name is Muhammad Faizan and i have spent last 15 years working as System Administrator mainly with Microsoft Technologies. I am MCSE, MCTP, MCITP, certified professional. I love scripting and Powershell is the scripting language i am in love with.

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